Troubleshoot and Boost Surfshark VPN Speed

In this article, I will discuss ways to troubleshoot and boost Surfshark VPN speed.

Testing Your Internet Speed with a VPN

To test your internet speed with Surfshark VPN, follow these steps:

1. Choose a reliable speed testing tool like or

2. Run the speed test without using the VPN to establish a baseline.

3. Connect to a Surfshark server that is close to your physical location.

4. Run the speed test again while connected to the Surfshark VPN.

5. Compare the results to see if there is any significant decrease in speed.

If you notice a significant drop in speed while using Surfshark VPN, try connecting to a different server or protocol. You can also reach out to Surfshark’s customer support for further assistance.

The Impact of VPNs on Internet Speed

When using a VPN like Surfshark, it is important to understand how it can impact your internet speed. VPNs work by encrypting your data and routing it through a private network, which can sometimes result in slower speeds compared to browsing without a VPN.

To troubleshoot and boost Surfshark VPN speed, try connecting to a server closer to your physical location. This can reduce latency and improve your overall browsing experience. Additionally, make sure to update your Surfshark app and check for any available software updates on your device.

Another way to boost Surfshark VPN speed is to switch to a different tunneling protocol. Experiment with different protocols like OpenVPN or IKEv2 to see which one provides the best performance for your internet connection.

If you are experiencing bandwidth throttling from your Internet Service Provider (ISP), using a VPN can help bypass these restrictions and potentially improve your speed.

Enhancing VPN Speed: Practical Steps

  • Change VPN Server:
    • Disconnect from the current server
    • Choose a different server location with less traffic
    • Connect to the new server
  • Update Surfshark App:
    • Open Surfshark app on your device
    • Check for any available updates
    • Download and install the updates
  • Disable Background Apps:
    • Open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc
    • Identify and close any unnecessary background apps consuming bandwidth
    • Restart Surfshark VPN after closing the apps

Choosing the Right VPN for Optimal Speed


To choose the right VPN for optimal speed, consider the server location. Connect to a server that is geographically closer to your physical location to reduce latency and improve speed. Additionally, select a server with a lower load or congestion to ensure smooth and fast connection.

Another factor to consider is the VPN protocol used. Some protocols may offer faster speeds than others, so experiment with different protocols such as OpenVPN, L2TP, or WireGuard to find the best option for your speed needs.

Furthermore, update your Surfshark VPN app regularly to ensure you have the latest features and optimizations for speed. Additionally, close any unnecessary background apps or programs that may be consuming bandwidth and slowing down your connection.


Why is Surfshark VPN slow?

Surfshark VPN can be slow due to factors such as encryption protocols, server distance, and server load impacting connection speed.

Why is my VPN suddenly so slow?

Your VPN may be suddenly slow because the server you are connected to is overloaded with too many users. Check if your VPN provider displays server loads and try connecting to a server with lighter load for faster speeds.

How do I optimize my Surfshark?

To optimize your Surfshark, you can try testing different server locations, changing the default protocol, enabling small packets, adjusting your network settings, disabling Battery-saving mode, and rebooting your device.

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