Fix Outlook Profile Not Configured Error

In my experience, fixing the Outlook profile not configured error can be a frustrating task.

Repairing Your Outlook Profile

If you are encountering the “Outlook Profile Not Configured Error,” follow these steps to repair your Outlook profile:

1. Close Outlook: Make sure Outlook is completely closed before proceeding with the repair process.

2. Open Control Panel: Go to the Control Panel on your computer to access the Mail settings.

3. Click on Mail: In the Control Panel, click on the Mail icon to open the Mail Setup – Outlook window.

4. Show Profiles: In the Mail Setup – Outlook window, click on the Show Profiles button.

5. Add a new profile: Click on the Add button to create a new profile for Outlook.

6. Enter your account information: Follow the prompts to enter your email account information and set up the new profile.

7. Set as default: Once the new profile is created, set it as the default profile for Outlook.

Utilizing Microsoft 365 Support Tools

  • Ensure your device is connected to the internet.
  • Check your network settings to make sure everything is properly configured.

Repair Step 2: Restart Outlook

  • Close Outlook completely.
  • Reopen Outlook to see if the error has been resolved.

Repair Step 3: Repair Office Installation

  • Open Control Panel on your computer.
  • Click on Programs and Features.
  • Find Microsoft Office in the list of installed programs.
  • Click on Repair and follow the on-screen instructions.

Ensuring Correct Account Setup

Outlook account setup page

To ensure correct account setup in Outlook and fix the “Profile Not Configured” error, follow these steps:

First, double-check that your email address and password are entered correctly in the account settings. Make sure to also verify the incoming and outgoing mail server settings provided by your email service provider.

Next, ensure that your computer is connected to the internet and that there are no connectivity issues. Try accessing other websites or sending emails from a different email account to confirm the internet connection is working properly.

If the issue persists, try restarting your computer and then opening Outlook again. Sometimes a simple restart can resolve the error.

If the problem still persists, consider deleting the existing email profile and creating a new one. To do this, go to the Control Panel, then click on “Mail” and choose “Show Profiles.” From there, you can add a new profile and set up your email account again.

After creating the new profile, make sure to set it as the default profile in Outlook to ensure that it is being used for sending and receiving emails.

Upgrading and Configuring Correctly

To fix the “Outlook Profile Not Configured Error,” you need to upgrade and configure correctly. First, make sure your Microsoft Outlook and Exchange Server are up to date by checking for any available Windows Updates.

Next, ensure that your Microsoft 365 subscription is active and properly linked to your Outlook account. If you are using Microsoft Windows, double-check that your operating system is compatible with the latest version of Outlook.

Download the latest version of Outlook from the official Microsoft website and follow the on-screen instructions to install it on your computer. Once installed, open the application and navigate to the settings menu to configure your email box.

If you encounter any issues during the configuration process, use the troubleshooting tools provided by Microsoft to identify and resolve any errors. Additionally, seek help from online forums or Microsoft’s support directory for further assistance.

After configuring your Outlook profile correctly, test the settings by sending a test email to ensure that the error has been resolved.


Why is my Outlook not configured?

Your Outlook may not be configured due to a corrupted Outlook profile or damaged Outlook data file (OST or PST).

How do I configure my Outlook profile?

To configure your Outlook profile, you can use a command line switch. Right click the Windows Start button, select Run, then type “Outlook.exe /profiles” in the dialog box and press Enter. While Outlook is running, go to File > Account Settings > Change Profile.

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